
Welcome to Royal Montessori Academy! We are a Christian based school incorporating the Montessori philosophy. Maria Montessori, M.D. believed that a child learns from an inner motivation that is stimulated by his/her environment. Here at Royal Montessori Academy, we will be committed to providing a prepared Montessori classroom with trained and loving teachers. Our goal is for your child to embrace his/her excitement to learn!
Our School
Our Montessori based Toddler curriculum supports the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of each child. Toddlers strengthen speech and language development and both fine and gross motor skills as they explore self, family and the world in which they live.
The Toddler program prepares both Toddler Class and Transitional Toddler Class children for preschool work by exposing them to each area of Royal Montessori Academy's curriculum. The toddlers learn concentration, coordination, language skills, responsibility and respect - all of which prepare them well for a successful transition into preschool at Royal Montessori Academy.
Pre-School & Kindergarten
Young children take in a tremendous amount of information from their environment with what Maria Montessori called "the absorbent mind." Royal Montessori Academy’s preschool and kindergarten program provides an enriching hands-on learning experience with specially formulated Montessori materials for math, language, sensorial exploration, practical life activities, art, science, and geography.
Making choices and using coordinated movements to accomplish tasks leads the child toward self-regulation and self-control. Children develop observation and problem-solving skills. By manipulating, experimenting, and discovering, children begin to move from the concrete to the abstract as they prepare for the more complex studies of the early elementary program.
We are so excited to offer an amazing facility for the Royal Montessori Academy students! We have over 20,000 sf of space for learning and fun.
- Art
Art is one of the many ways children express themselves. Art is a way for children to communicate their feelings. It is through art that children develop their ... Read More »
Art is one of the many ways children express themselves. Art is a way for children to communicate their feelings. It is through art that children develop their fine motor skills. In the Montessori environment, we provide open-ended art activities that help children explore and use their creativity.
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- Music& Movement
Sometimes called “the universal language”, music adds a sensory dimension to life like nothing else. Children have a natural capacity to appreciate music of ... Read More »
Sometimes called “the universal language”, music adds a sensory dimension to life like nothing else. Children have a natural capacity to appreciate music of all types, and an uninhibited inclination to move, dance and make music. Music is present in all cultures, often reflecting the character of people by the style, melodies, tones and instruments used. With music or without, provide children with plenty of opportunities to perfect their movements and refine coordination. Both music and movement can provide children with a way to express their own unique spirits. Royal Montessori Academy students experience music daily in the classrooms but also once a week experience our music program with additional instruments!
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- Library
Royal Montessori Academy library serves students, teachers and families! Motivating children and youth to connect with stories, ideas and information... Read More »
Royal Montessori Academy library serves students, teachers and families! Motivating children and youth to connect with stories, ideas and information. Our library program fosters an appreciation of literature, love of learning and the skills to use information effectively.
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- Tech
Royal Montessori Academy uses technology to enhance and enrich learning opportunities for students, to increase the effectiveness of our ... Read More »
Royal Montessori Academy uses technology to enhance and enrich learning opportunities for students, to increase the effectiveness of our educators and staff and improve communication within our local, regional, national, and global communities! Royal Montessori supports and trains its employees to empower students for success as positive contributors and productive members of a diverse technological society. Royal Montessori Academy students will have access to iPad’s and computers with the amazing Montessori programs offered.
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Areas of Study
Royal Montessori Academy incorporates the Montessori philosophy that a child learns from an inter motivation that is stimulated by his/her environment. We are committed to following the following seven (7) basic areas of the Montessori curriculum:
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These activities which surround the use of sensorial materials leads the child from sensation to ideas; from the concrete to the abstract and to the association of ideas. These materials also assist the child in learning to differentiate between sizes, colors, weights, textures, sounds, odors, and tastes. The materials isolate the senses so the child can experiment and discover.
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The child learns symbols and quantities. The child then puts them together with everything starts with a base of ten. The child progresses from concrete to abstract through the use of materials such as beads, spindle boxes, and number charts. The number rods are used to teach the decimal system which is the basis for all branches of mathematics.
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Experiments are introduced in botany and in zoology. Nature studies are conducted both in and outside of the classroom. In science too, the child learns by doing and empathy with one’s surrounding creatures. Children learn about living and non-living things, parts of plants, parts of the body, and animals. Student begins to make scientific observations and discoveries.
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The development of language begins with speech and progresses into writing and reading. Vocabulary enrichment activities enable the child to classify his/her environment, enlarge his/her vocabulary and develop communication skills. The geometric insets are used to develop the small muscles as a preparation for writing. The movable alphabet, phonogram board and grammar boxes are used to teach analysis of sentences. Phonics and writing are learned through various types of materials. The shelves in the classroom are set-up left to right, top to bottom in preparation for reading and writing.
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Practical Life
The child refines his his/her fine motor and gross motor skills. They learn care of self and care of environment. The purpose of these activities is to enable the child to acquire coordination, orderliness, self-confidence, independence, control over his/her small muscle movements and to enable him/her to understand the function of his/her immediate environment. Student will learn to open, shut, carry, pour, peal, cut, and wash. In addition, the use of buttons, zippers, snaps, ties and latches.
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The child's first impressions in geography are sensorial globes, puzzle maps, flags and geographical land formations. Children will learn about the world around them, cultural diversity and distant lands.
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Children are encouraged to express creativity in music through free expression. The children learn folk songs and foreign language songs. Students work with musical instruments (rhythm sticks, chimes, bells, glockenspiel, and xylophone) to heighten the child’s awareness and understanding of musical concepts. Art is a natural part of the Montessori classroom which encourages individual expression. Collage, finger and brush painting, water color and clay offer opportunities to experiment and create. This area is process rather than product oriented.
CLICK ON one of the areas ABOVE to learn more