Have questions? Please check out our FAQs below!
What are your hours of operation?
Our Preschool school day is 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. We do offer Before School (6:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.) and After School (3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) programs as well. Half day options are available from 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Our Toddler full school day is 6:45a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and our half day is 6:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Do you provide lunch for the students? Do you provide snacks for the students?
Lunch: Royal Montessori Academy provides milk and water for the students during all lunch times. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide each child with a lunch. Lunches are kept at room temperature until our lunch time so ice packs are required to keep food cool if needed in their lunch box. We do however have the means to heat up your child’s lunch so please feel free to pack anything that needs warming. All eating utensils are provided by our school.
Snack: Our parents are the snack providers once a month. Each day has a new parent as the snack provider for the classroom your child is in. Parents are provided with a detailed snack suggestion list and can just bring the snacks to school in the grocery bags. The students use this snack time as a Practical Life work within the classroom by helping prepare snacks and setting the table. Milk and water are again provided by Royal Montessori Academy for snack times.
How is the building secure and what are the security procedures that take place?
Building Security: Students must have an authorized pick-up person on file, and only those listed will be allowed to pick up the child. Adults over the age of 18 are the only ones permitted to pick up students, and siblings under 18 are not allowed to do so. If someone not on the authorization list attempts to pick up a child, the child will not be released until we contact the parents or guardians for verbal authorization. Additionally, all authorized individuals should be prepared to present ID for verification by our staff and administration.
Student Pick Up Security: students must have an authorization form on file from Royal Montessori Academy giving the school a list of people authorized to pick up your child/ren. All students much be picked up by an adult over the age of 18. No siblings under 18 are able to come into the school to pick up and leave with any child. If an individual does come to pick up your child that is not on the authorization form the child will not be released to that adult and the school will contact the parents to gain verbal authorization before the child can leave. All authorized pick up people should be prepared to present an ID at any time for the staff and administration at Royal Montessori Academy.
What is the difference between Royal Montessori Academy and daycare?
Royal Montessori Academy is not a daycare. We are a private school registered with the DPI in the Ashwaubenon School District. We are a private school with a private educational program that meets all of the criteria under WI s. 118.165(1). We are teaching the Montessori Curriculum and offer programs from Toddler age, 18 months, through Kindergarten. Royal Montessori Academy follows WI 121.02(1)(f) - Each school board shall annually schedule at least 437 hours of direct pupil instruction
How do I know what program is best for my child?
The programs at Royal Montessori Academy are outlined as follows:
Toddler Program is for students 18 months of age to 3 years of age. Each student must be 18 months enroll into this program.
Preschool Program is for students 3 years old to 5 years old. Each student must be 3 years old by September 1st of the current school year and be potty trained to enroll in this program.
Kindergarten Program is for students 5 years old by September 1st of the current school year. Children are only eligible to move up within our programs January 1st of each year pending availability in the next level of the program.
School Calendar; Am I being charged for days that the school is closed?
Our school program runs on average 40 weeks each school year. There are however times that our school is closed for holiday breaks and staff development days. These days closed have already been taken into account in creating the tuition price for each school year. There are no makeup days for the days that the school is closed. Our school calendar goes out each year in January for the upcoming school year.
How do I pay the tuition? Does my tuition qualify for Flex Spend?
Tuition payments are managed using the Brightwheel platform and can be paid via ACH transfer or Credit Card. We have structured the tuition fees into nine monthly installments, commencing on September 1st and concluding in June. Detailed information about all payment policies, including tuition fees, is outlined in our Parent Handbook. Please be aware that a late fee of $35.00 will be applied for any tuition payments not received by the due date.
There is no credit given for absences (such as but not limited to illness, death in the family, and/or vacations). There are no tuition credits for school closings.
Royal Montessori Academy does qualify for most Flex Spend plans. Due to the fact that each plan is different please verify with your plan carrier for more details.
What is the process for enrolling my child?
Prospective families are required to schedule a tour of Royal Montessori Academy between 9am and 11am to observe our classrooms and facilities. This tour is a prerequisite for enrollment and provides a comprehensive understanding of our educational environment. To arrange a visit, please contact our main office.
Enrollment Process
Enrollment begins with online registration through the Brightwheel platform, available to new families starting February 1st each year until meeting capacity for the upcoming school year. Upon processing the online enrollment, a registration fee is required to secure your child's place in our program. Enrollment is on a first come first serve basis.
Waiting List
Should the program you wish to enroll your child in at be at full capacity, your application will be added to our waiting list. As soon as an opening becomes available in the desired program, we will promptly inform you. Upon notification, you will have a period of 5 days to complete the enrollment process. This includes enrolling your child through the Brightwheel platform, paying the necessary registration fees, signing a financial agreement, and making the payment for the first month's tuition.
Provisional Acceptance
All children are initially enrolled with the understanding that if our program cannot meet the child’s needs, our staff will work collaboratively with parents to explore suitable alternatives.
Enrollment Agreement
Official enrollment is confirmed once the school receives a signed enrollment agreement and tuition deposit. Enrollment is binding, and parents are responsible for monthly tuition payments regardless of attendance. Royal Montessori Academy is an inclusive school, welcoming students of all backgrounds and does not discriminate in its educational and admissions policies. We strive to create a balanced and inclusive learning environment, accommodating children with special needs as per Montessori philosophy and early childhood best practices. However, there may be instances where our program is not the best fit for a child's specific needs. In such cases, we reserve the right to advise alternative arrangements and assist families in finding a more suitable program.